My tips for being Productive

All things you need to know about productivity


About 2 years ago, I came across the concept of productivity. Since then, I read a bunch of books on productivity like Atomic Habits, The Four-hour Work Week, and Deep Work to name a few. Also, I listened to hundreds of productivity videos and podcasts over the years. So I might be a good person to share the productivity tips that actually work for me.

Why do you even bother about Productivity?

Remember you need to sacrifice a precious moment of your life just for the sake of completing a work task? I understand we all do want to wear multiple masks and need to do different jobs like Educational, Professional, and Personal. But what if you can manage your time perfectly and cut off that another 3-4 hours that you idly spend on your mobile game? I'm pretty sure you don't worry in the future about missing out on that mobile game time but rather enjoy that family moment.

Enjoy the Journey

Here's one of the biggest productivity advice I have ever received.

The main insight that I've realized is that productivity isn't really about getting more things done, it's mostly about LEARNING TO ENJOY THE JOURNEY.

~ Ali Abdaal (My favourite Youtuber)

After hearing that advice, when I tackle a new task anytime the first question that I ask myself is "How to make this task more enjoyable?" rather than "How to complete this task effectively?"

Because the key thing is if you enjoy the work that you're doing then it doesn't feel a burden anymore.

Addon: If you are more interested in this then Ali Abdaal sir is going to launch a book - Feel Good Productivity. Check it out if you want.

Know when to multitask

In the beginning, I believed I was great because I could handle multiple tasks simultaneously. However, over time, I came to realize that this approach was actually one of the most significant killers of productivity. Let me explain why.

It takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the task.

~ University of California Irvine

Switching tasks too frequently significantly hamper our ability to concentrate. Consequently, I would strongly advise against it. Additionally, a TEDx talk I watched a year ago highlighted that multitaskers tend to make more mistakes compared to those who focus on one task at a time.

Nevertheless, there are instances when multitasking might not have a substantial impact. For example, I often play an audiobook while doing tasks like cutting my nails or engaging in similar activities that don't demand intense concentration.

Addon: If you want to know more about how multitasking affects your productivity and brain health, then you can check this article if you want.

Build Your Second Brain

We are living in an era where we have tonnes of information more than we can process. Here we are in need of a system - The Second Brain.

Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.

~ David Allen (NYT Bestselling Author)

To adhere to the CODE Framework:

  • Capture the notes and put them in a place that you can control

  • Organize based on the purpose or future actions

  • Distill the core ideas and see where can you use them in the future

  • Express your key ideas

Regarding the software or tools you employ, especially if you're new to the concept, I would discourage adopting an extensive system akin to Ali Abdaal's. Instead, consider starting with a single tool, much like Thomas Frank's approach.

Addon: If you are interested in this concept, then I recommend you to read the book Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte.

Do what works for you

With all the productivity guides and techniques available online, remember this fundamental principle: try a method, and if it doesn't resonate with you, don't hesitate to explore alternatives. Here's a piece of advice directly from me ๐Ÿ˜‰: From strategies like the Pomodoro Technique to "Eat the Frog First" and the Eisenhower Box, the key is to stick with what aligns most effectively with your personal approach. Avoid compelling yourself to conform to a specific technique.

Final Thoughts

So, you're eager to enhance your productivity. However, before embarking on your journey to greater efficiency, allow me to offer you a valuable piece of advice: "Don't isolate yourself from social interactions." For instance, resist the temptation to shut your door and declare it a time for Deep Work or Pomodoro sessions. Embrace positive interruptions such as spending time with friends and family. While you can certainly manage and minimize negative distractions, keep the door open for the beneficial ones. After all, remember the wise words

It's not the destination, it's the journey ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (Philosopher)

Thanks for reading !!!
